Hazardous waste management: Strengthening bar and inspection to limit violations

Hazardous waste management: Strengthening bar and inspection to limit violations

Hazardous waste management: Strengthening bar and inspection to limit violations


Hazardous waste management: Strengthening bar and inspection to limit violations

Hazardous waste management: Strengthening bar and inspection to limit violations

Recently, the discovery of dozens of barrels of waste containers containing hazardous waste (HWS) has been stolen in Thang Long Boulevard for many months ... causing public opinion to rise again. The solution to Hanoi's hazardous waste management and treatment to minimize environmental pollution is not simple.
There are many shortcomings

According to statistics of Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the total volume of hazardous waste generated in the city in 2015 was 67,853.5 tons; in 2016 was 65,342 tons; 2017 is 78,219.5 tons; in 2018 about 58,692 tons. However, this is not the actual figure, because there are still administrative offices, individuals, households and small production units with the arising amount <600kg / year without carrying out procedures for making books. register hazardous waste source owners and units do not send annual reports.

The mud was spilled and it was stolen into Thang Long Boulevard. Photo: Works

Sharing with Economic & Urban correspondent, Mr. Mai Trong Thai - Director of Hanoi Environment Protection Department said that most of the waste source owners have hazardous waste generated> 600kg / year in the city. registered and granted a hazardous waste source register.

The amount of hazardous waste generated from these waste source owners has been collected and taken to licensed facilities in Hanoi City or nearby areas for treatment. A small amount of hazardous waste generated is treated by the waste source owners themselves (by environmental protection facilities at the facility) that have been licensed to treat themselves.

"For establishments that are not required to compose hazardous waste source registration dossiers, leading to awareness and hazardous waste management activities in the area, there are many shortcomings such as: No classification of hazardous waste, mixed with hazardous waste with Ordinary waste and hazardous waste storage facilities are not in accordance with regulations, signed a hazardous waste collection, transportation and treatment contract with a unit without a permit from the environmental protection authority ...

In some places, even the situation of hazardous waste has not been managed, strictly controlled from the place of hazardous waste generation to the final processing place, does not meet the requirements of environmental protection; or spontaneous recycling such as recycling plastic, distilling waste oil ... or being collected and treated together with domestic waste "- Mr. Mai Trong Thai said.

Need to implement solutions

Statistics also show that the HW collection and treatment rate in Hanoi city in 2015 is 75%, in 2016, 2017 and 2018 the HW rate collected and processed has reached 99%, 1% of HW. not yet processed, currently being temporarily kept by the establishments at the establishments due to low volumes or not finding appropriate HW collection and treatment units.

However, according to Mr. Mai Trong Thai, the signing of a contract to transport and treat garbage with functional and licensed hazardous waste treatment facilities is difficult, the cost of transportation and handling is often higher than that to the cost of implementing waste management is very large, from which it is easy to lead to the status of signing contracts only to validate the prescribed procedures.

Mr. Mai Trong Thai also said that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has been assigned by Hanoi People's Committee to build and implement the Project "Treating hazardous medical waste in Hanoi to 2020, orientations to 2025" and Project Scheme "Collection and treatment of hazardous waste in Hanoi City by 2020 and subsequent years". In particular, proposing specific tasks, solutions and roadmaps to ensure the achievement of targets of hazardous waste treatment.

Accordingly, in addition to proposing to build and supplement and improve mechanisms and policies; completing the local adjustment of the Hanoi Capital's Solid Waste Management Plan; propose to pilot the model of hazardous waste collection, transportation, storage and transshipment for <600 kg / year at some industrial parks and clusters ...

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment has also proposed strengthening the inspection and examination of the observance of environmental protection laws for HW treatment units and units with business, production and service activities. arise hazardous waste in the city. Promptly detect and strictly handle violations in hazardous waste management.

At the same time, promoting socialization in the construction of hazardous waste treatment facilities and zones in the city, especially calling for and attracting investment from foreign units with advanced processing technology. , no secondary pollution arises; strictly control the investment and build the HW treatment system in the Capital area, ensuring thorough handling of HW.